Braven Manor  
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Explore your sexuality in an intimate, friendly environment
Your First Visit to the Manor


The excitement of diving into something new can be overwhelming and exciting.

We will have Ambassadors/Hosts to assist you.

On swinger nights, there are tours from 7:30 onward. On Fridays, there's only one tour/orientation at 7:30, but you can arrange a private tour.

When you arrive, an Ambassador/Host will greet you and answer any questions you have and encourage you to socialize your first time here. We want this to be a safe place for all and a place to learn. The Ambassador will also give you a wrist band and take your contribution.

On Friday nights, you will then sit with Lord Braven and go over the information sheets that you have read on line as part of the eligibility requirements for events. The emphasis is on safety, consent, responsibility and negotiation.

All events at the Manor are 19+ and ID is checked when there is any doubt.

You can check here for events or send us your email address and we'll send you notices.

Everyone who attends Braven Manor has novices in mind because most came here at the start of their journey.

You are encouraged to watch, listen, and ask questions. Only participate when you are fully comfortable.

We provide a number of on-line resources for novices, including

  • Guidelines (rules) for Friday nights and general dungeon use
  • Suggestions for safe play for Tops and Bottoms
  • A guide to building a good reputation
  • A one-page reminder of critical areas to cover in negotiations
  • A discussion of consent violations and our process for handling them

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